Artist Statement
Since leaving the sunny megalopolis of Phoenix, a city built at right angles and perfectly flat in 1995 and following my heart to a home in the mountains of North Carolina on a gravel road most find remote, my work has evolved from the bright and colorful characteristic of Niobium, to work of peaceful content and image. My pieces are an ode to this wondrous environment and is reflected in organic forms: roots made of knotted copper, leaf and tree shapes in silver, glass enamel images of morning glories and found objects. I would like to think of my work as precious in its intent and meaning; pieces that bring the wearer to homage and remember our one and only Mother Earth. In the spirit of change and renewal, the name of my new company is:
Suzanne Leigh Designs
Artist Bio
In 1987, after a long search for other media best suited for me, I discovered and was immediately drawn to the dazzling array of colors created by Niobium with the use of an anodizer and a liquid bath. Magic! I selected equipment and materials to maintain a successful studio and created original designs the Southwest patrons would wear with short shorts and flip flops. My work was well received and sales were good, but a different environment was calling from within my heart.
In 1995, sight unseen, I moved to the exquisitely beautiful mountains in NC about 50 miles north of Asheville near the Penland School of Craft and soon discovered my Hot Pink and Passionate Purple was not favored by the East Coast community. Having grown up in New York, I was not surprised and was undeterred. I registered for classes in jewelry fabrication with very fine artists teaching in Peter’s Valley School, J.C. Campbell School and the Penland School of Craft. My designs and work changed dramatically. The mountains offered a healing and peaceful environment where all things are possible. A blessing I hadn’t considered in my move, was the many dogs who found their way to me in their quest for a home. In truth, they rescued me and I’ve dearly loved them all.
I hope to meet you here one day.
Suzanne Leigh